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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why good girls love bad boys?

This one always ran as a background thread in my head but took a lot of time to put it on paper. I am going to aim for ten good reasons why good girls like bad boys but in case I fall short or go rambling...well...

Here goes.

The bad boy appeal is mainly due to following factors -

1. Opposites Attract
The "you complete me" love cliche transforms into "you excite me" when good girl meets bad boy. In a way, he is foreign to her; exciting, unpredictable. This combination will amount to a co-dependent, combustible couple with opposites being attracted to the other for all the wrong reasons. A good girl jumps in with no awareness of who she is dealing with while a bad boy has the art of manipulation down to perfection. He is excited by the prospect of a new "game" the good girl has to offer.

2. Bad boys are exciting
The truth is, typically the good girl picks the bad boy because of how he makes her feel; fascinating, needed, pursued, and good.

3. Bad boys are interesting and engaging
The truth is a bad boy has faced more struggles and adversity, which makes for a more interesting, complex, and resilient person- the stuff movie roles are made of.

4. Bad boys are 'bad'
a bad boy helps a woman escape her busy mind and become someone totally different. Good girls live under a heavy burden of expectations from others, always doing the right thing, saying the right thing and being pleasing. It's nice to simply not care and relax. Basically, bad boys are equivalent to a full body massage, a few shots of tequila, or a riveting romance novel scene.

5. They need each other
The bad boy may also require a little extra nurturing due to a rough past and inability to love deeply or unselfishly. He is used to using what he can to take what he can- a survival mechanism or maybe a game. Either way a good girl is a prime target; being innocent, she never knows exactly what she is getting herself into.

Good girls find the good in everyone and even she sees the hurt little boy behind his bad boy facade. When she is with this guy, she is always thinking she will be the one to help him. She won't give up on him as quickly as most people will. She gives him endless encouragement, feeding his needs and hers simultaneously.

6. Bad boys are mysterious

If you want to know what a woman is thinking as she instinctively spots the bad boy in the room; "I wonder what his story is? Why is he that way? It's a mystery so I must find out". A bad boy may give her an awkward compliment or or not answer her questions directly, and this instantly draws her in. And the mystery ensues.

Men love a good chase and hunt, but women love a good nut to crack, get someone to spill the beans, and make a mystery out of nothing sometimes. Women love to make things difficult- it's the truth. We make mountains out of mole holes and mysteries out of thin air.

Still thinking...will update soon


  1. hey! can u give a definition for Bad Boy and Good girl??
    Just want to self check if m Bad or not?! :P LOL


    1. Definition of a Bad boy:

      Exerpt from speech class:

      Simply put, a badboy is a gangsta, roughneck, and rebel without a cause. He sees each woman as a conquest, a victory, and something he can show off to his mates. He has a natural aura of being fierce and aggressive to those who disapprove of his thoughts and actions. Having a good girl by his side allows him to remain in character.

  2. i wonder what made you write this one..wouls like to hear ur personal experience :)

  3. "Anonymous said...

    i wonder what made you write this one..wouls like to hear ur personal experience :)
    December 26, 2010 8:01 AM "

    As I said this was always a background thread....Personal experience...Well..I don't like good boys. They are perfectly boring :P

  4. lol..i don't think i should get personal further :P


  5. what are the further updates?.... very rightly said..

  6. Depends how and what you consider bad.
    Bad by you may be good by him.
    If that is the case are there are divorces ? Ever thought ?
    This is a very robust statement I, which may be either 0% right or 100%, but nothing in between.
