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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Love Affair

One day when the world was made

She was an innocent plain maid

He a prince robed in black and blue

Their gaze met through the evening hue

As the falling light danced upon their eyes,

Tides of love began to rise.

He touched her warm with the rays of the sun

And the silent lovers met on the horizon.

He wept for her through the rain,

The gushing rivers expressed her pain.

When he praised a shining beauty,

The plain maid went green with jealousy.

As his eyes glittered in the moonbeam,

She made mountains of snow to reach out to him.

As years and decades and centuries went by,

Thus continued the love affair of the earth and the sky.


  1. Hey! its a realy nice poem... specially the end...gud job.. keep it up.

  2. omg i dint know u cud so petry n all ...!!very senti..!!hmm..!!

  3. Nw u knw y the top 10 reasons included "mysterious"?!

  4. Very well written!.. Keep it up girl! :)
