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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Calculus, male mind and the female mind

Calculus, male mind and the female mind

Male mind is like differential calculus. Whenever men are faced with a situation/ problem/ question, they never look at it as a whole. They take a look at the complicated problem curve P and break it down into small elements, dP1, dP2, dP3....dPn till the curve (the element) starts looking like a straight line. Then they look for a solution to this linear element. This style of thinking comes from the fact that the male brain is single minded i.e focused on one and only one thing at a time, multitasking or multithreading is not their forte. Male mind places logic and simplicity of solution above anything else. It does not like limits, dependencies and non linearities.

Female mind on the other hand functions like integral calculus. It looks at a problem curve, considers the domain variables, the dependencies, the limits and then it integrates P to come to a solution. Thus the female solution is not only for the Problem curve P, it is one degree higher so that the solution for P does not give rise to any other problems. The female mind revels in non linearities. It looks at the bigger picture to come up with a solution. The solution is not necessarily a simple one but it is more long lasting.

Male mind functions on the principle of differential calculus, the female mind functions on the principles of integral calculus. Though both the things are diametrically opposite, they are very much complementary. One is incomplete without the other.


  1. u still need work on understanding the male minds....

  2. I doubt if I will ever be able to completely understand it! it is so complicated :)
